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As HovText has been around for many years, and there is a "Donate" button, then people might believe that this is a golden goose and that we have earned a lot of money from it, so "why bother giving them even more money". To puncture this belief, then I can assure this is not the case! The total amount of $$$ we have received throughout the years barely covers the electrical bill for the different servers hosting this - and this is perfectly fine also, as we for sure do not do this for the money. We did put on the donate button in 2011.
Just for info - any donations received will be used solely to enhance HovText.
To show all donations HovText has recieved, then they are listed below. As per default I will list only the first name of the donator, as this is nice and generic, but I will ask everyone, if they want their full name or an alias listed here instead:
Date |
Amount |
Donation from name/alias |
2023-November-13 | $50 | Ronald | 2023-May-25 | $25 | Sue (Australia) (2nd donation) | 2022-September-26 | $25 | Chuck Hustad (US/Minnesota) (2nd donation) | 2021-May-7 | $25 | Jan (2nd donation) | 2021-January-3 | $25 | AndHall | 2018-May-4 | $5 | Ulrich | 2012-September-13 | $10 | Chuck Hustad (US/Minnesota) (1st donation) | 2012-August-15 | $5 | Martin | 2012-August-7 | $5 | Sue (Australia) (1st donation) | 2012-May-13 | $10 | Leonard | 2011-October-3 | $10 | Thomas | 2011-September-9 | $50 | Arlen | 2011-August-6 | $5 | Joel | 2011-July-20 | $5 | Jan (1st donation) | 2011-July-11 | $5 | David | 2011-July-8 | $5 | Cuno | Total donations | $265 | 16 donations over 14 years |
So as you can see, I will not be quitting my normal day-job anytime soon 🤣
To give even more clarity, then I will also list the specific HovText expenses there have been throughout the (recent) years:
Year |
Amount |
Expense |
2024 |
$894 |
IV code signing certificate (10 years) |
2023 |
$49 |
UI framework (1 year) |
2023 |
$31 |
New square icons |
Total expenses |
$974 |
3 expenses |
This is hobby... and a hobby costs money 😁