HovText  .:: a simple and user-friendly Windows open source clipboard manager

HovText is a simple free open source Windows clipboard manager, which will remove any formatting from the copied text and save it for later retrieval via hotkeys. It stores both the unformatted cleartext and the original formatting along with images.

Fun facts




Development will show both the ongoing (if any) development version and the potential future roadmap.

Development version in progress - will be part of next stable release

No new version in development, but I have these things as next-things to look into:

  • Bug: Deleting an entry from favorite list, will make it possible to scoll up and show minus-values
  • Analyze: Copy image from Teams - will it show as empty?
  • Analyze: Handle process names with spaces inside - does it influence "Disable in these applications"?
  • Change: When disabling HovText then e.g. ALT+S should not send an Outlook email - keep the hotkeys in use
  • Change: Deleting all clipboard entries from "Advanced" should not delete "Favorites"

  • Future roadmap

    This is a list of ideas and wishlist of potential new functionalities - at least I am considering it but there is no guarantee at all and it may never be realized :-) Strikethrough items have been considered, but will (for now) not be done.

    Please feel free to comment on the same or suggest other functionalities via Contact.

  • Check if removed exclusion applications can be stored in clipboard
  • Remove first bullet, if copied from bullet-list
  • Possibility to not save image in history
  • Copy to clipboard after enabling application again (after being disabled)
  • Quick-paste of the last 10 copied entries (Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+0)?
  • New modern UI (any ideas for nice looking and reasonable priced frameworks?)
  • Extended Validation code signing certificate (way too pricy currently)